


Nehemie Gustave was born in Port-au-Prince on March 8, 1993. Between her life as a graduate student in Business Management and a budding writer. Nehemie is the founder of the Center d'Orientation Professionnelle d'Haïti, an institution based in Port-au-Prince aimed at helping young people reach their professional horizon by equipping them in their career choice through an orientation program based on their psychological and academic profile and the reality of the professional environment of Haiti. Certified by the IDB in Development Project Management. She worked as secretary general, investigator, and is currently general coordinator of Telemix Network, the first digital television with totally local content. Actress of the radio soap zoukoutap broadcast in more than five radio stations in Haiti, she is also an actress of the AMI theater company better known under the name of Esther one of the most popular characters of O Theater. But she also interpreted other roles quite different from each other: Child, female victim, wife, woman of high society with a high status are the various characters that she has embodied to perfection. Go-ahead, determined, courageous, positive young leader are the four words that can sum up this multi-faceted lady.