
Jean Gardy Bien-Aime


The Gospel according to Jean Gardy Bien-Aimé

"The miracle of faith," the ninth film by Jean Gardy Bien-Aimé, without going by four paths, is difficult, ecumenical. The eye of a contemporary filmmaker posed on the faith of an originally polytheistic people who still carries in his entrails the stigmata of the hell of colonialism.


Culture -

The story of "The Miracle of Faith" is in a few words that have almost no resonance in the head of more than one (gospel, mission, miracle, faith) in a country so mined, devoted to drift . As a command of the kingdom of Jehovah's Witnesses or churches (Catholic or Protestant), it is filmed with the eye of the Bible. A rather "head-down" reading of the Holy Scriptures, in some places.Melissa (GinoueMondésir), a beautiful girl who loves the flamingos of the city, sparkling evenings with girlfriends, clothes finds faith after Papito (Lionel Benjamin) offered her a Bible as a gift. To the dismay of her family and her fiancé Mike (Smoye Noisy) "wanted" for a money deal by the overly ambitious girlfriend of her colleague Alix (Stanley Mathéus), she leaves on a mission to Marigot.


A burlesque gospel

This film, drawn by the hair, is played against a background of an endless confrontation between good and evil, between the agents of the Devil and those of the Good God. However, the viewer does not fully understand the rationale, the catalyst for this mission to the Alice in Wonderland led by the beautiful Mélissa in the southeast of the country. The special effects, as abracadabrants as they are, incite rather to laughter than to the desired, expected amazement. History of plunge young and old into the warm water of childhood where they told each other things that did not generally stand. Nothing more magical and naively burlesque, like a page of the Old Testament. To a certain extent, this film is a puzzle of a few confessions of faithful, redeemed people who inhabit the Haitian collective imagination staged.Melissa (GinoueMondésir), a beautiful girl who loves the flamingos of the city, sparkling evenings with girlfriends, clothes finds faith after Papito (Lionel Benjamin) offered her a Bible as a gift. To the dismay of her family and her fiancé Mike (Smoye Noisy) "wanted" for a money deal by the overly ambitious girlfriend of her colleague Alix (Stanley Mathéus), she leaves on a mission to Marigot.


A burlesque gospel


This film, drawn by the hair, is played against a background of an endless confrontation between good and evil, between the agents of the Devil and those of the Good God. However, the viewer does not fully understand the rationale, the catalyst for this mission to the Alice in Wonderland led by the beautiful Mélissa in the southeast of the country. The special effects, as abracadabrants as they are, incite rather to laughter than to the desired, expected amazement. History of plunge young and old into the warm water of childhood where they told each other things that did not generally stand. Nothing more magical and naively burlesque, like a page of the Old Testament. To a certain extent, this film is a puzzle of a few confessions of faithful, redeemed people who inhabit the Haitian collective imagination staged.

The plot of Jean Gardy Bien-Aimé's latest feature remains in the shadows, on the margins of history. The spectator finds it difficult to write this film, full of this black thread posed on the "objective" of the director, in a cinematographic genre. Deliberately or not, in the more or less happy outcome of the sequences, a caricature in red ink is made of voodoo priests, these justiciers of the beaten paths. A magma of confessions where the pastor sermons, at dawn, the satan's supplants, that is to say the unbelievers, the tearful voice of apostolate. "The miracle of faith", an ecumenical film where sin, despite the absence of a single confession, judging from the dialogues, is the foundation of Christianity. The story does not come out of the ordinary. It carries a message capable of making a social chronicle or a comedy of the 1940s when state authorities crashed through the voodoo temples (The Angel or the Good God who set fire to the evil temple of the evil houngan). Without a make-up, the director brings to the screen the usages and customs, the beliefs of a society long wedged between the yoyo of the dialectic of the forces of light (good) and those of darkness (evil).

Life is all rosy in the bible of Jean Gardy Beloved. A serial killer who trades his weapon after passing close to the valley of the shadow of death, saved by the man he was to shoot down. A young schoolgirl, bubbling with hormones, waiting for the end of her secondary school to have sex, etc. Sometimes the viewer feels like he is in a church, was it the darkness of the room.


The images of "The Miracle of Faith" deny the words on the movie poster that say, "Good or evil belongs to no religious denomination." A warning of the most religious. For, evidently, ancestral beliefs stem from the forces of evil.

Read Full Jean Gardy Bien Aime Biography


  1. Actor
  2. 2017
  3. KadoBondye
  4. Taza
  5. 2001
  6. Cicatrices 2
  7. 1999
  8. Cicratrice 2
  9. ????
  10. Le Revers de la Medaille
  11. Director


  1. 2011
  2. Take It Or Leave It
  3. 2008
  4. Destiny (II)
  5. 2007
  6. The Green Card
  7. 2002
  8. Millionnaire Par Erreur
  9. 2002
  10. Protege-moi
  11. 1997
  12. Le Cap a la Une
  13. 1994
  14. L'enquete Se Poursuit
  15. ????
  16. le pere de mon fils
  17. ????
  18. Le Revers de la Medaille
  19. Producer


  1. 2002
  2. Protege-moi
  3. 1999
  4. Cicratrice 2
  5. 1997
  6. Le Cap a la Une
  7. Senario / Story


  1. 1997
  2. Le Cap a la Une
  3. Screenplay


  1. 1997
  2. Le Cap a la Une